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Not legally an Engineer Yet, Call me an EIT

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Services for Starting

So you’re starting a new business and want to setup your IT services. There are a lot of different things you’ll need and a lot of different ways to set them up. Here are a few items to get yourself started. I’ll try and keep this up to date as I think of more items that may be relevant to staritng a small business. So far Email Services.

Email Accounts

Using @gmail looks tacky, at least in my opinion. It is at least not as bad as using an ISP provided address like @telus or @shaw (Goodness why are those even offered). Services abound to have your own custom domain email address.

I haven’t tried the majority of these options, but they are all ones that look quite good on paper and have the backing of a larger company. If you have specific data needs or peripheral services it’ll change what makes the most sense; however, barring VERY strict data requirements don’t go self-hosted. It’s far too much trouble to manage the service on your own, and far too easy to accident yourself onto a black list. Don’t get me wrong there are open source options for running your own mail server, but you’re going to want to have an IT department of your own to handle any complications that may come of it. Even large organizations like Universities know it’s cheaper and easier to just let someone who specializes in it handle the job.

Cloud Services

You need all sorts of Cloud computers.

There are a lot of different cloud providers out there. Each with different flavors and different levels of hassle. Some resellers that wrap the larger cloud providers in easier to use services, others that have their own servers. If all you need is computers, then pick a service with a data center near your customer base and load up a virtual machine that can handle what you need. If you need something specific, then, honestly no you don’t. If you’re building greenfield then you want to try and be as non-commital as possible, if google raises their prices then you want to be able to jump ship to amazon, if amazon raises their prices, then jump ship to azure, if again you don’t mind Alibaba jump ship there. There we have it that open source software has made at least early stage vendor lock in substantially less intense, you may have to change a front end piece of your code to change from Lambda Cloud to an IBM function, but you can still change. And if you’re using containerized applications like docker, then you can change without really adjusting anything other than your deploy instructions.

Desktops and Laptops

So you have say… 10 employees. Or you expect to scale to that number of employees fairly quickly. How are you going to manage computing for all of these people. Are you going to have everyone in an office, or are you supporting work from home plans. Do these employees need to run specialized software, or are they doing office work type tasks. All of these are going to determine what you need to get. To be fair I haven’t done a fleet deployment so these opinions are just that, opinions.

Your own Server or Cloud hosting

I’m not going to lie, I have a bit of a dislike of services like Squarespace. Don’t get me wrong. They can be awesome. And they are easy and quick to set up with a clean looking store front. But all their sites a certain sameness to them. And then once you’ve made your site, they host it for you. You’re locked in unless you want to rebuild your site from scratch. If they were a piece of software you paid $500 for and it exported a site, and they happened to offer a monthly hosting service. I wouldn’t mind so much. But the lock in really rubs me the wrong way.

Why did I state $500 when squarespace has a free tier and doesn’t have any sort of upfront cost like that. Because really it’s just tricking you into not seeing the cost properly. The most basic plan is $252 per year, which being incredibly generous at 5% interest per year is equivalent to roughly $5000 upfront cost. So could you get a clean custom, mobile optimzied site done for that much, well easily. Could you then host it for much less than $21 per month, yeah also easily up to some pretty heavy site traffic.

You can check out an example website hosted on AWS amplify here.

Generative AI

So using AI can be a recipe for disaster for companies. What happens when someone convinces your fancy new AI to hand over your product for no money, or promise things that your company doesn’t offer. This could be the start of a don’t automate things rant; however, I’ll push a middle ground. Put your AI in a box and automate away using more reliable systems. Instead of having a chatbot that will answer any question and potentially make things up, have an AI system which relies solely on preplanned chat flows and hands off customers to your email system the moment that things aren’t directly within its wheel house.

If you’re looking for a Chatbot for your website try Watson X Assistant. I really hope to have the chance to create a deployment of this; however, the idea as I understand it is you have a helpline through either chat or voice, and the AI detects basic intentions which match up to questions or actions that you’ve preprogrammed, and you put points where the AI either provides basic actions you can reliably perform, or has smart hand-offs to humans to minimize the need for humans to answer repeated questions.


Outside of the latest and greatest with AI, there comes the more generic realm of automation. What is and is not worth the effort to automate. A great rule of thumb that I found and have introduced to many an engineer is the XKCD comic “is it worth the time” link. The lesson is that you don’t want to automate tasks which won’t see a return on the time investment; however, the return on time investment is actually quite a lot larger than most people think.

Phone Numbers

You will obviously be starting with your own phone number. However, this is likely not how you’ll want to carry forward. Using solely your phone as the business number doesn’t work once you start to hire employees. It doesn’t work when you start wanting multiple people to start to answer. But how do you manage this effecively without a significant upfront overhead.

Video Conferencing

Capstone Teams

Every Startup Owner that I’ve known has too many ideas. Honestly myself included in that, although my numbered corporation is mainly for minor consulting work, I’ve had FAR too many ideas to every pursue them all myself. So what do you do when you have a small budget, and an idea that you want to test out. You get a capstone team. A lot of universities do something similar, but the program I’m familiar with works essentially like this:

Honestly considering that you’re not paying anything for the labor. You’re getting a steal of a deal. You’re not getting guaranteed results; however, you are guaranteed a good faith effort to complete the project, and if the team is actually slacking on their end there is recourse in your grading of them.

Document Management and Collaboration Tools

So you may have a system like google docs which handles collaboration between individuals allowing multiple people to work on the same document at the same time. The primary issue with platforms like this is that you don’t have any form of version control system built into the platform, you also lack significant editing control. There are a couple of less common options which I’d suggest consdiering if you’re wanting to have consistent docuemnts across your organization, and want to have some level of approval process built in for your documentation.

More to be added…